This post may be a little scattered...

This is the garden at the foot of the hill in Tallone, on Corsica. There wasn't much growing, but I liked the spiral design.

The bee hive on the way down to the garden. One day I must have passed too closely, because a few bees followed me down, and they seemed to be trying to bury themselves in my hair and clothing.

La Col de Colsada (or something). I biked partway from Tallone to Corte, though not to Corte since this is what I ran into on the mountain pass. I rode in the snow for a few kilometers, just to reach the pass. That's the Mediterranean in the background. Such a lovely day.

And then I left Tallone. Sylvian drove me partway to Porto Vecchio, and shortly after parting ways, I had to stop to take this picture. It was a gray and soon to be rainy day, but the light and the angle was perfect for this reflection.

This is some rather rad art I saw in a gallery window in Nice. Nice is beautiful. Nice is very, very rich. You could feel how much money is spent in Nice.
I loved this piece of art. I've got the names of the artists (the background is another artist's work, but the compliment each the other very well) and the gallery somewhere...

This guy was sharpening knives in the back of his truck/jeep thing.

Nice was absolutely beautiful, in part because of the sunny weather. Many, many artists have and still do live in or visit Nice because of the light, and the south of France in general. The clouds! If any of you have looked through my photos before, you'll know I have an obsession for cloud formations. So beautiful! Oh, and the building was pretty stunning, too.

This is St Cesaire. (Ha ha! You can't even tell what you are looking at. It's a town on top of a hill...) I stopped there for lunch at 2, then continued what I expected to be a short ride to Mons. Wrong! The descent out of St C should have told me what was to come. A very, very long ascent. Through very beautiful land filled with olive terraces and old stone buildings. The road was bumpy and narrow, and there was little room for a bicycle and a car, let alone two lanes of traffic. That said, I only saw three vehicles, maybe. It was a nine km ascent to Mons, and after my 80+ kms already done, I was fatigued. I pushed my bike up a lot of it, which was barely any slower than riding, really.

I arrived in Mons, where it is so windy at times--like now--that there are rocks keeping the tiles on the rooves! I called my host only to discover that I had the wrong number! I was tired and thirsty (I did not heed Darren's advice that when in doubt, save the water!) and there wasn't much--or anything--open in Mons. But I found a little art gallery which turned out to be run by a lovely woman from San Francisco who has been living in France for 15 years or so, and designs and makes her own jewelry. Valerie said, 'Who are you looking for? Oh, I know Alban!' and she took me home and made me tea and we chatted until Alban came to pick me up.
And now here I am, happily in Mons, or close to it. I went for a bike ride today and realised I didn't know how to get back! But I figured it out. I went and did the same hill that had beaten me on my arrival. I just had to conquer it! Even without luggage, it was tough. But still so pretty.
Did the bees sting you? Eeep!
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No, the bees didn't sting me. But the scared the crap out of me!