This is a hanging of most of what I've made in the last five months.

So, I bought three balls of yarn at the market in Ceret, all were multi-coloured, two were plied black, one was plied orange. The scarf was done in alternating colours of ribbing (right? That's when you just knit?) an idea inspired by Venus' beautiful and loooong striped scarf. My scarf turned out pretty; the hat was the left-over black-plied yarn, and looks like something god-awful that a 17 year-old hipster would pay 40CND for at American Apparel. But when my head is cold, I wear it.
It wasn't warm enough, however, after I re-shaved my head in January (wrong month, wrong hemisphere for that decision), especially when I realised I'd lost my stitch-hitter black hat (regardless of the fact some people thought it looked like a jockey helmet. I will be making a new one, but I have to find more of that lovely Icelandic wool). I'd been making mittens from a pattern my mother gave me, with wool she'd spun--red wool plied with Chow hair (yup!). The pattern was a thrummed pattern, so it incorporated unspun wool into the pattern, which felts together as you wear it. Long story no shorter (I love Clue, the movie) I decided to make a hat the same way in order to keep my head warm, and it worked! I need to felt the thrums a bit by hand to keep them from felting sticking out, but otherwise, success!
The inside of the mitten.

These were in the closet in Mons, and I loved the simplicity of the idea. So I started knitting my own, albeit much finer ones since I only had one option for yarn. Halfway through the first one, I decided to make arm-warmers instead. I like them!

So, I bought three balls of yarn at the market in Ceret, all were multi-coloured, two were plied black, one was plied orange. The scarf was done in alternating colours of ribbing (right? That's when you just knit?) an idea inspired by Venus' beautiful and loooong striped scarf. My scarf turned out pretty; the hat was the left-over black-plied yarn, and looks like something god-awful that a 17 year-old hipster would pay 40CND for at American Apparel. But when my head is cold, I wear it.
These were in the closet in Mons, and I loved the simplicity of the idea. So I started knitting my own, albeit much finer ones since I only had one option for yarn. Halfway through the first one, I decided to make arm-warmers instead. I like them!
YES! Best post ever! Love the arm warmers btw. And if it's all knitting that you did on both sides it's called stockinette stitch. Ribbing is when you alternate each stitch with a knit then a purl. Either way, your scarf looks awesome and the thrum mitts and hat are lovely.