Bare with me, folks; I am not used to the placement of keys on French keyboards, so my typing speed is frustratingly slow.

I quit my job today! Well, I finally looked up the postal code and mailed my notice, if I haven't already been let go for not taking shifts. Mr Waterhouse, or whatever, had been pestering me for my permission to access my criminal record. Dull as that is, I still didn't agree with it. He gets a postcard instead!
I, meanwhile, am in Lille, which is a wonderful small city near the Belgian border. I went to an amazing contemporary embroidery show at
la maison folie wazemme which had some great stuff in it. Political embroidery! Pornographic embroidery!

Sunday I rode to Ypres, in Belgium (I rode to Belgium!) There are Canadian soldiers buried all through the area, and I visited Passendale--maybe now I should watch the movie? It takes being in a place to cultivate interest in me. I'm now constantly on the lookout for books, fact and fact-inspired-fiction, on the Great War. Once I've got that one explored, I'm sure I will be on to WWII.

I'm off to Vimy Ridge today, and then a paper-art exhibit in La Madeline. I encourage everyone to POST COMMENTS so I know people are reading! And thanks to those who have--I read them, and it is appreciated. I will try to seek out internet cafes more frequently.
Tomorrow: le Chateau de Sacy!
My time is up!